Sunday, August 18, 2019

Help people nearby find you online

Question 1 Which of the following factors help search engines determine if your business is local?
A Location details on the website, quality content and how mobile friendly the website is
B Location details on the website, list of shops local to you and a contact form
C Quality content, list of local suppliers and location details
D Location GPS tags on photos, quality content and how mobile friendly the website is
Note: When search engines analyse a website they look for key pieces of information, such as your business address, to determine if you're local to the searching user. Other key factors include the quality of your content and how mobile friendly the site is.

Question 2 When looking to attract a local audience, why it is important to optimise your website and content for mobile users?
A Because local users tend to use their mobile devices when they're out of the house
B Because mobiles will replace desktop computers
C Because all online users browse on mobile devices these days
D Because marketing for mobile is more cost effective
Note: A large percentage of searches are performed on mobile devices when the user is on the move. In addition, advances in mobile voice search mean that local users look for local services using this technology. If your website isn't optimised for mobile it might not appear in the results or even put off a potential user due to poor usability.

Question 3 Which of the following can help you gain visibility in search engines?
A Adding relevant content that highlights the location of your business
B Including your address on your Twitter account
C Optimising your site for desktop devices only
D Adding a list of shops local to you on your website
Note: Including the location of your shop or service area of your business means that when search engines crawl your site, they can make sure you appear for the right search terms and under local search terms.

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