Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Advertise on other websites

Question 1 If you own a film blog, which type of customer can you expect to reach with display advertising?
A People who use ad-blockers and are interested in your subject
B People who haven't read your blog before but are interested in your subject
C Only people who have read your blog previously
D Only people interested in films and movies
Note: Display ads can be used to get in front of any targeted audience using an array of platforms. You can target people who haven't found your website yet, but that have an interest in film or the types of things you write about.

Question 2 Fill in the blank: The ads on search engines are usually made up of ________.
A Audio
B Video
C Text
D Images
Note: Search ads are primarily text-based. A standard text ad for Google or Bing includes: A headline A display URL (i.e. your main URL) The destination URL (i.e. your landing page) A brief description

Question 3 When using search engine marketing, where can your ads appear?
A Only on search engines
B Only on websites
C On search engines and websites
D On websites and social media
Note: With search engine marketing, your ad will only show when people are searching using a search engine. Once they've left the search engine and are continuing to browse other websites, you can't reach them with search engine marketing.

Question 4 When setting up display advertising campaigns, who can you target?
A People with specific names
B People who speak different languages
C People who already own specific products
D People with a specific address
Note: You can target your ads to appear in front of people who speak different languages. Language targeting allows you to choose the language of the sites you'd like your ads to appear on so you can be inclusive of other markets.

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