Monday, April 5, 2021

Understand Trending Content with BuzzSumo

BuzzSumo is a great tool if you want to take a data-based approach to content and really know what is already trending. If part of your strategy is fo share relevant, trending content BuzzSumo is great.

You can enter a topic, like social media and see top posts as well as what is trending.

This can be great for 1) Content inspiration and 2) Finding great content to share. Sharing content from your accounts that is already heavily shared or trending is a great way to drive engagements of your posts.

The paid account of BuzzSumo has even more capabilities, but you can already start exploring content topics and data trends with the free account.

When To Use It:

To explore what is shared and trending around a topic. You can use these insights to develop your own content around these themes, or to share the popular content discovered by Buzzsumo.


  • Easy to use
  • Interesting
  • Actionable
  • Free


  • Unlock more value with a paid account
  • Not relevant for all businesses

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